Release & Refocus Massage

Restoration to the Body, Soul & Spirit



Massage is more than a luxury? It is a vital part of self-care that has positive effects on our work day, play time and attitude. Adding Massage to your health and wellness regimen brings peace to your mind, body and spirit.

Massage can soothe anxiety and depression by boosting the neurotransmitter, serotonin and dopamine; reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisone; lifts the spirit, and often lowers blood pressure.

According to Health Magazine: Massage can promote better sleep by its affect on the brain waves connected to deep sleep: Delta Waves. 

Research Efforts according to Touch Research Institute (TRI) show: Touch therapy (Massage), has numerous beneficial effects on health and well-being such as: facilitate weight gain in preterm infants; alleviates depressive symptoms; enhances attentiveness; reduces pain; reduces stress hormones; improves immune function. https://med.miami.edu/centers-and-institutes/mailman-center/community/other-community-based-programs/touch-research-institute-(archives)/research 

New York City skin-care studio owner, Kimara Ahnert, told Women's Health: "Massage increases blood flow, plumps up slack skin, encourages lymphatic drainage and adds vitality to a dull complexion and lackluster hair."  https://kimara.com/ 

The next time you are looking for something to do, remember getting a Massage has the power to improve your health, as well as your outlook on life.  Why not spend your money wisely on something that will make you feel better and add to your over all health. 
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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